I've seen several pins about creating construction theme sensory boxes such as....
from in lieuofpreschool.com and
from one of my favorite mommy bloggers dirtandboogers.com
I knew D would love this. Dirt, tractors, rocks...what more could a boy ask for?
I put my spin on it and made moon sand (or cloud dough) to use as the sand. We spread out a giant beach towel to contain the mess but quickly realized we didn't need it. The "sand" somehow made it off the towel and all over my floor. I have hardwood and the sand is easy to vacuum so it wasn't a big deal.
I poured the "sand" mixture into a big tub, added small rocks and miniature toy tractors, and he was good to go. (I'm about 9 months pregnant right now, so on days we don't leave the house, D ends up staying in his pjs.)
A bit later we added some miniature sea animals....
He liked the feel of the sand.
Then we added some blocks.
Took a break to color.
Made a hat out of some pipe cleaners.
I kept the moon sand for a couple of weeks and occasionally pulled it out again. My bag of sand got smaller with each use. It was easy to make and loads of fun, so I'm sure we'll be doing this again soon.